

I frequently raid antique and vintage markets to find lace, button and fabric to entice these elements within my dresses for my customer. One of a kind and affordable luxury is my aim. Aciel brand is dedicated to perfection of the form of the woman’s body in a dress. My ideal is a woman who is contemporary and confident as well as sensual and a touch romantic. I am also professionally trained violinist having gained Masters with Distinction at the Moscow State Conservatoire as well as studied at the Vienna Academy of Music and The Yehudi Menuhin School. As well as having worked and studied Fashion in London. Through myaciel I would like to share my experiences, my knowledge and my philosophy for the beauty, appreciation of the professionalism in many fields. My perspective on style,fashion, art and non-sense if you want. I am a creative force with a flair for perfection, in search of beauty, curiosity of the unknown every day learning , giving, living life to the full with and touch of humour. Simplicity is the ultimate of sophistication -a quote and my moto ( Leonardo Da Vinci).

I frequently raid antique and vintage markets to find lace, button and fabric to entice these elements within my dresses for my customer. One-of-a-kind and affordable luxury is my aim.

Aciel brand is dedicated to perfection of the form of the woman’s body in a dress. My ideal is a woman who is contemporary and confident as well as sensual and a touch romantic.

I am also professionally trained violinist having gained Masters with Distinction at the Moscow State Conservatoire as well as studied at the Vienna Academy of Music and The Yehudi Menuhin School.

As well as having worked and studied Fashion in London. Through I would like to share my experiences, my knowledge and my philosophy for the beauty, appreciation of the professionalism in many fields. My perspective on style, fashion, art and non-sense if you want.

I am a creative force with a flair for perfection, in search of beauty, curiosity of the unknown every day learning, giving, living life to the full with and touch of humor.

For all info and enquiries please email: aciel [at]

Simplicity is the ultimate of sophistication – a quote and my moto

Leonardo Da Vinci

5 thoughts on “ABOUT /

  1. jane millais on said:

    please email me so that I can buy some of your lawn shirts, or at least let meknow that they are not for sale

  2. Dear Jane,
    Thank you for your interest in tana lawn limited edition Aciel shirts. They are indeed for sale, one item each in stock you can see what is available, please let me know what print you like and where to ship.
    Kindly yours,

  3. Екатерина on said:

    Здравствуйте! Где в Москве можно купить ваши вещи? Спасибо,жду Инфо на почту.

  4. Olesia on said:

    Где в Санкт Петербурге можно купить ваши вещи?

  5. Олеся, пока в С. Петербурге марка не представляется, но вы можете купить вещи онлайн в бутиках скоро появится в продаже новоя коллекция и на
    Спасибо за интерес!

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